SOOOO... I was talking to one of my guy friends the other day and we were discussing soem stuff that girls do that really turns him on or the things that girls do in the club to get a guy to notice them. I started laughing because he was so right Opposite of popular belief girls have game to, we have lines and we have certain manor isms that we do to get a guy to notice us. If anything were the ones who taught guys how to have game(being that every guys game comes from his mom). but the fact of the matter is.. girls will always find away to make that man Yeeerrrrnnnn for that...(you know)... so here are some things we came up with that ladies if your not doing take these tips and run with it:
1) When you sitting at the bar,skirt or jeans, cross your legs slowly with a drink or whatever you have in your hand rotate ur chest towards the bar. Now you see the guy in the blue that looking at you? Don't just stare at him the first time, give him a glance and then quickly turn away. The next time you see him looking, and your interested, rotate your body all the way around take a sip of your drink bat your eyes twice and SLOWLY turn your head in the other direction. Now if the guy still hasnt caught your drift by then. Go to plan C...this may be a little forward for some girls but trust me guys like a girl that takes initiative...the next time the guy looks at you arch your back a little put the drink at your lips and at the exact moment he looks at you smile!
2) While engaging in the grown up, big girl or little girl, practice this technique....the technique of the back arch. Ladies it is deadly! hitting it from the back, from the side or even missionary arch that back bite that lip and look back at him!!!!
3) When you got on your heels in the club stand with your legs slightly apart left or right leg slightly outward so one calf is showing...let him know (short or tall) that these legs can go on for days.
**If ya'll have anymore to add feel free, thats basically all we talked abotu but I know theres much more...teach me, inspire me ladies(sharing is caring) and through this nothing or know can get pass the power of the P-U-S-S-Y